Cathedrals Ward Liberal Democrats

Cllr Adele Morris, Cllr David Noakes and Cllr Maria Linforth-Hall Learn more

“Missing” War Memorial in Borough High St

by adelemorris on 27 November, 2013

You  have probably noticed that there is an empty space where the war memorial used to be, but don’t worry – it is being restored and should be back in place with a new base and levelled foundations by the end of January 2014. When one of the plaques fell of last year, the council officers who repaired it noticed that the memorial had started to lean. I asked the council to provide us with a quote to restore, repair and reset the memorial and the local Liberal Democrat councillors allocated money from the Cleaner, Greener, Safer fund to pay for the works.

This will mean we have a cleaned and restored war memorial in time for the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the 1st World War next year, and fits in with our ongoing campaign to improve Borough High Street.

Adele Morris

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