Cathedrals Ward Liberal Democrats

Cllr Adele Morris, Cllr David Noakes and Cllr Maria Linforth-Hall Learn more

Planning in Southwark reaches an all time low

by adelemorris on 14 March, 2014

This week I took the unprecedented step of walking out of a planning committee meeting after only the first item. Labour had appointed a new chair to the committee, after the defection of the previous chair to the All People’s Party.  Everything was going well, and members were asking lots of questions of the officers – seemingly concerned about the issues raised by the objectors. I had stated that I was not happy with the application on a number of grounds, but told the chair that I would hear what others had to say before I proposed my motion.  Then suddenly, without warning, the questioning ended and one of the committee members proposed that the application be approved. Before I could speak it had been seconded and voted on. I asked when I would be allowed to put forward my proposal (to refuse) and was told that it was too late because the vote had been taken! I asked the chair why he had not come back to me for my motion but he couldn’t answer. There was much flapping between the clerk and the legal officer but the upshot was that the votes had been cast and the decision was final.

Is is this any way to conduct planning meetings? I don’t think so! In the good old days of Lib Dem chairing, councillors would debate applications once all members of the public had spoken and the officers had clarified any outstanding points. Then, a good chair would take the mood of the meeting and suggest the motion that they thought reflected that mood – giving members the opportunity to put forward an alternative view if that was not the case. In those days, getting the decision right was more important than speeding through the agenda or endorsing every recommendation made by the officers.  After all, a the effects of a planning approval last for many years – as does the blight on existing residents if we don’t get it right.

Something has to change in Southwark when time and time again residents are complaining about the way that planning meetings are being conducted, and when a committee member is so appalled that they leave before the meeting is over. There needs to be a change in attitude, but sadly with Labour at the helm this isn’t going to happen. Roll on May 22nd…..

Adele Morris

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