Cathedrals Ward Liberal Democrats

Cllr Adele Morris, Cllr David Noakes and Cllr Maria Linforth-Hall Learn more

Safer crossings campaign

by adelemorris on 23 January, 2014

Sorry to see that the safer crossings petition couldn’t be presented to Council Assembly last night because of some constitutional confusion. The leader of the council, Peter John, has promised that the crossings will be sorted within 12 months but given that the campaign has been running since the seventies I won’t hold my breath! And given that the notoriously slow to respond TfL are involved……

What would be helpful, and do-able, is slowing down all the traffic to 20mph and getting people out of their cars. Sadly, the congestion charge doesn’t seem to be having as much impact on getting people out of cars as it was predicted and just seems to be a money generating scheme for the Mayor. Still, he has to find his 30m for his fanciful Garden Bridge from somewhere!